Mystery Quilt Shop Hop Bag & Passport 2025
Mystery Shop Hop!
For the low price of $40 you get:
18 fat quarters ($65+ retail)
a pattern ($10 retail)
exclusive tote bag ($12 retail)
Visit each Shop Hop Shop from Saturday March 1 - Sunday March 9, 2025
for a stamp/sticker and 2 Fat Quarters.
- Stitch Central
- Cut & Sew
- Needles & Bolts
- Seamless Sewing Arts
- Steve's Sew and Vac
- Pottstown Sewing
- homesewn
- Early Girl Quilts (US!)
- The Quilted Nest
Choose two Fat Quarters and collect a stamp at each shop. Once you have 7 stamps, you will receive the mystery quilt pattern! It's an exclusive Mystery Quilt Designed By PA native Rachel Rossi.
Visit all 9 shops and get a cute goodie bag!
The first completed Mystery Quilt presented at each store will win a grand prize of 25 Fat quarters! One grand prize per shop.
Every completed (quilted and bound) Mystery Quilt presented at a Shop before Sunday March 30, 2025 earns you a raffle ticket for one of the many prize basket